April 09, 2007

Finals Schedule and Other Info

Class, we are on the home stretch. I hope that this schedule helps you prepare for this next full month. I have every faith that each of you will do a good job, not only on your exam, but during these weeks in which heavy participation is required.

Please note that there are two schedules listed below, one for the Tues/Thurs AM course, and one for Tues PM. Also please note that the Tues/Thurs class will meet in Black Hawk Hall as we ordinarily would on Tues AM, but will then move to our new room in Grundy 203. For the Thurs. PM class, there is no change.

Also please note that although I make every attempt to check my email once a day, that is no longer the best way to reach me. If you have a question, please feel free to call me locally at 961-1260. I encourage you to do so when you have a question.

Now, let’s get started!


Tues 10 Apr: Written M v M questions (see below) and finish The Bill discussion.

Th 12 Apr: Talk about M v M

Tues 17 Apr: Ch. 11 (The Presidency)

Th 19 Apr: M v M paper due, discuss study guide

Tues 24 Apr: I hand out study guide

Th 26 Apr: Discuss exam

1 Apr: Oral Exam

8 Apr: Final Exam

Tues Night Class:

10 Apr: Ch. 11 (The Presidency)

17 Apr: Bill Discussion (I will also hand out written questions for Bill paper)

24 Apr: Oral Exam Study Guide

1 May: Discuss Oral Exam, turn in Bill paper

8 May: Oral (Final) Exam

For Tuesday, 10 Apr AM Class, please use the following as a guide for your Marbury v. Madison written assignment. This is not a series of questions, rather a reminder as to main issues we’ve discussed. Please give me a two page, single spaced paper, with five questions you have raised during our discussions and through the reminders below. Then, answer them! Your paper should have no more than one inch margins and have 12 point font. You have a lot of leeway with this – simply put, spot issues, describe them, then answer the questions you have raised in the context of our classroom lectures and your own thoughts.

As a reminder,


History and Constitutional Basis for the Supreme Court

Constitutional Limits on the Court’s Power

Facts Behind Marbury v. Madison

The Change in the Court’s Power

How does a case reach the Supreme Court and how is it decided?


Persuasion – then and now – what’s the power of the court?

What does Judicial Review really mean?

The majority on the Court has changed several times in the past years. As a result, decisions made in the past – were they done today – would turn out differently. As a result, the Court clearly has the power to change the law at their discretion. Do they? If so, why, and if not, why not?


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