October 02, 2005


Week of 3 October

Due 10 Oct/11 Oct

You will notice this is different than the first one; for several of these questions, a simple short answer will suffice. For other questions, in-depth analysis is required. Many of these questions are based on current events, filtered through our own class discussion. You are free to use the internet and your textbook to look for answers, but all written answers must be your own work. If a question is worth two points, then I expect two separate concepts in your answer; eight points – eight concepts. Because of two points extra credit, you can receive up to 32 out of 30 points on this assignment. Although I had initially thought our second position paper would focus on the development of Judicial Review and the role of the court, I believe we have addressed those topics sufficiently in class, to allow us to now move on to the questions below.
Please provide your answers on no more than one typewritten sheet (or two double-spaced sheets) of paper. Model answers will be posted on the website for you to use as a study guide for your exams, toward the end of next week; therefore, late assignments will not be accepted without prior arrangements with me. Thank you and good luck.

1. Who is the current Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and what branch of the Military does he come from? 2 pts.

2. What is John Roberts’ current job title? (Careful, this is a trick question – do a bit of research about this, it is harder than you think). 2 pts

3. Explain the process by which a Supreme Court Justice may be removed from office. (Tip – do not simply give me the name of the process. Walk me through the process, from beginning to end. I have written this question deliberately open-ended). 6 pts. 2 pts. extra credit if you cite historical precedence, e.g., examples, for your answer.

4. Where is the Constitutional basis for ‘lower’ courts, and can the Jurisdiction of those courts be expanded or limited? If so, who does that? If this has happened in the recent past, please provide details. And can the Jurisdiction of the Supreme Court be expanded/limited? If so, who does that? Explain your answer through the context of Marbury v. Madison. (Notice that this one question asks for up to eight separate points – please address each point in your answer, in order to fully answer the question. For example, a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer to “can the jurisdiction of those courts be expanded or limited?” will not answer the question, and would not give you any points). 8 pts.

5. Please explain the nomination process for a Supreme Court Justice, from start to finish, emphasizing the Senate’s role. 6 pts.

6. Assume you are a US Senator, sitting on the Judiciary committee, getting ready for President Bush to nominate a replacement for Justice Sandra Day O’Connor. Assume that over the course of your research, you decide that you will not vote for the nominee. Not only that, you want to make every attempt to stop the nominee from being confirmed. What is/are your option(s), and at what stage of the process can you exercise it/them? Explain to me what this is called, and what your fellow Senators may do in response. 6 pts.


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